Every little thing you do can make a big difference

You don't have to be a fanatical environmentalist to make an impact.  Every single person has the power to make a difference. There are many little things that you can do to live more sustainably.  

EarthFirst's goal is to increase awareness of global issues that are affecting the health of our earth as well as our own. So that we can lead healthier lives that are eco conscious.
Here are a few ideas to inspire you…

At home…

  • Grow your own produce

  • Be more energy efficient- switch off the lights, get solar

  • Learn about the harmful toxic chemicals around the house (cleaning products, paint, treated timber, etc.)

  • Take shorter showers

At work…

  • Buy recycled paper

  • Go carbon neutral

  • Buy energy efficient appliances

  • Become a BCorp

  • Take your own coffee cup

In your community

  • Buy local

  • Purchase seasonal fruit & veggies

  • Say no! to plastic bags

For your health

  • Keep informed about the chemicals you ingest through food, cosmetic products and chemicals you're in contact with.

  • Eat healthy & buy organic

For our future

  • Teach the little ones about the earth; its animals and how to care for it.

  • Grow produce at home, so they know where foods come from.

  • Instill values and eco habits, such as recycle, walking instead of driving short distances and avoiding excessive use of packaged snacks.

For our Earth

  • Be informed and understand why we need to start making a change now, before it’s too late!

  • Listen to podcasts, read articles and books

  • Get out in nature as often as you can. Immersing yourself in nature instills a deeper appreciation for our earth.


Eat seasonal fruit and veggies