Founded in 2008
EarthFirst was created to encourage humans to be eco-conscious one step at a time.
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In 2009 I attended David Suzuki’s last lecture at the Sydney Opera House. As I listened to his wise words I became inspired to live a more eco-conscious existence.
During the days and weeks that followed, I started to clean up my act by reducing the amount of plastic that we were using at home, specially in the kids school lunches and whilst shopping. I also made some big changes in the bathroom by switching hair products, soaps and cosmetics to safer alternatives.
As I began to research eco friendly and healthier alternatives I found it increasingly difficult and extremely time consuming. I spent hours browsing online with little gain. It suddenly occurred to me that I should use my professional skills as a designer, to create an online green guide to help others like me find the green products they need.
My search for green alternatives was also very enlightening, I discovered that many of the product and foods we eat contain many harmful, toxic chemicals and additives which can build up in our systems and lead to serious health concerns. The more I researched, the more information I found to share with others. So here it is EarthFirst; a guide that I hope can help you learn to live a healthier live and be more mindful of the earth that we live in.
EarthFirst is not a site for extreme enviromentalists, it’s a site for those of us who are concerned about whether the Earth is still going to be a sustainable place to live in for generations to come.
It’s for those of us who want to make a difference by doing our little bit. Because every little bit, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem, adds up to a whole lot when we work on it together.
EarthFirst's Mission
To inspire you to care for the wellbeing of our planet earth, by taking an eco-conscious approach into how you live your life via the purchases you make and food you eat.