Chem-eleon Food Additive App

The Quick Guide to Food Additives

For the cost of a coffee, Chem-eleon gives you lifetime access to 1,000+ additives, helping you make healthier choices.

On my journey to a greener life I’ve made many changes. One of the most important changes that I’ve made is to be more vigilant about what I eat and what I feed my family. I’ve always considered myself a healthy person who cooks the majority of my meals from scratch.My baked goods never come from a packet mix and I use organic ingredients when ever I can.

One of the things that concerned me were all those numbers in the ingredients labels of the food I was purchasing.

Do you ever wonder why they are numbers and not named as the full ingredient? Think about it for just a second.....perhaps they don’t want us to know, because if we know what they are we wouldn’t buy the products.

It’s been cumbersome to find websites that list the numbers in a quick reference that I can quickly check whilst shopping. So I decided to take the challenge into my own hands and I created an iPhone app, which aims to help everyone who wants to decipher those cryptic little numbers. The app features a Chameleon who changes colours from red, yellow or green to let you quickly know if the chemical is safe or not safe to eat. It features simple explanations of how the additive is used and the potential effects it can have on people with allergies.

Now you can uncover the secret identity of those little numbers, so that you can easily find out what you’re really eating!


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